

The local language is Madurese, but standard Bahasa Indonesia is widely spoken. You will find a little bit of English spoken and understood at some of the hotels and amongst well educated younger people, but that's about it.


The island of Madura has four telephone area codes.

Bangkalan 031 same as Surabaya

Pamekasan 0324

Sampang 0323

Sumenep 0328

The internet has been slow to penetrate and spread in Madura but that is changing and you will find options often very slow in Sumenep especially.


This is an inherently conservative island and the Madurese are pious Muslims. Many other Indonesians unfairly regard the Madurese as kasar coarse or unrefined and hot-tempered.

Madura recieves relatively few foreign visitors and you are therefore likely to be a source of some curiousity. Behaviour and dress should be appropriately conservative. If you make an effort to understand and respect the Madurese, you will find them welcoming and people with a finely developed sense of humour.